RCHK ToK Exhibition

What is ToK?

The IB says that ToK is the place where students reflect on "the nature, scope and limitations of knowledge and the process of knowing." So basically, in ToK we think about how knowledge is produced, acquired, shared and the limitations of these processes

In the ToK Exhibition, we explore one of these prompts provided by the IB. 

Students may choose to do so this by exhibiting three objects that exemplify aspects of the chosen prompt in relation to one of six themes:

At the same time, students may wish to explore the prompt in relation to one of five areas of knowledge:

This website showcases our students' initial thoughts. They will develop these ideas and submit to the IB in writing at a later date. We hope that this website will allow them to receive as much feedback from our community as possible as they prepare. 

What Are The Exhibition Components?

​What Do We Care About In The ToK Exhibition?

Exhibition Skills

The ability to...